Archive of bankruptcy proceedings against banks
Bankruptcy proceedings against assets of the bankrupt AG Banka, a.s.
Bankruptcy proceedings were declared by a resolution of the Regional Court in Bratislava of 13.4.2000, case number 1 K 01/00.
Bankruptcy trustees: JUDr. Bernard Ondrejka, JUDr. Ján Hutník,
JUDr. Pavol Malich.
Special administrators: JUDr. Ernest Valko, Ing. Vladimír Litvaj.
Creditors’ committee
members: | Deposit Protection Fund (Council Chairman) |
National Bank of Slovakia | |
Taxation Office Bratislava I. | |
substitutes: | Slovenské aerolínie, a.s. (Slovak airlines) |
Istrobanka, a.s. | |
Investičný fond PSIPS, a.s. |
The Deposit Protection Fund’s claim in the amount of EUR 57,840,914 was recognized in the 3rd class and on 8.8.2016 settled for an amount of EUR 852,113.
The bankruptcy proceedings were definitively closed in 2016.
Bankruptcy proceedings against assets of the bankrupt Dopravná banka, a.s.
Bankruptcy proceedings were declared by a resolution of the Regional Court in Banská Bystrica on 22.8.2000, case number 24 K 231/00.
Bankruptcy trustees: JUDr. Milan Chovanec, JUDr. Juraj Koval.
Special administrators: JUDr. Štefan Kubjatko, Mgr. Karol Rajnoha.
Creditors’ committee
members: | Deposit Protection Fund (Council Chairman) |
Customs office Banská Bystrica | |
Tax Directorate Banská Bystrica | |
substitutes: | UNISYS Slovakia, s.r.o. |
Komárno Customs Office | |
Sociálna poisťovňa Banská Bystrica (Social insurance company) |
The Deposit Protection Fund’s claim in the amount of EUR 79,793,684.66 was recognized in the 3rd class and on 14.12.2007 settled for an amount of EUR 26,202,779.87.
The bankruptcy proceedings were definitively closed in 2008.
Bankruptcy proceedings against assets of the bankrupt Slovenská kreditná banka, a.s.
Bankruptcy proceedings were declared by a resolution of the Regional Court in Bratislava of 4.7.2000, case number 1 K 118/00.
Bankruptcy trustees: JUDr. Juraj Tomášek, JUDr. Marián Valko, JUDr. Ingrid Gyökeresová.
Special administrators: JUDr. Ladislav Siranka, JUDr. Ľuboš Novák.
Creditors’ committee
members: | Deposit Protection Fund (Council Chairman) |
Investičná a rozvojová banka, a. s. | |
City of Košice – membership expired during bankruptcy | |
substitutes: | National Bank of Slovakia |
Slovenský plynárenský priemysel, a.s. – membership expired during bankruptcy |
The Deposit Protection Fund’s claim in the amount of EUR 143,320,589 was recognized in the 3rd class and on 21.10.20020 settled for an amount of EUR 10,028,899.44.
The bankruptcy proceedings were definitively closed in 2021.